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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Twitch details Achievements and Stream Summary features

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Achievements and Stream Summaries are the latest features coming to content creators using Twitch.

Twitch used this year’s TwitchCon to announce a trio of new features for its creators: Raids, Achievements, and Stream Summary. While the former launched not long after the Con, Twitch hadn’t detailed much else about the latter two… until now.

“Our goal is to set up creators for success, so we listened to you about your biggest roadblocks and requests: more transparency when striving toward Affiliate or Partner status, and faster and better stream analytics,” writes Twitch’s Jessica Messinger on a recent update. “The following tools tackle these issues head on. Big or small, new or veteran, from gaming to baking, all creators can enjoy these new benefits.”

First up? Achievements. These help budding Twitch Partners assess how they’re doing in terms of meeting the requirements of becoming an Affiliate or Partner. Designed as milestones to “encourage creators to learn streaming best practices and interact with their communities”, the achievements hope to give streamers a “clear roadmap” on how to grow their followers and level up their status with Twitch to Affiliate or Partnership status.

Stream Summary, on the other hand, condenses your stats into one easy place, including per-stream reporting, clips, traffic sources, tips, and a handy list of your achievements, of course.

Not long ago, Twitch unveiled a new way for streamers to share “interactive experiences” with their audiences today called Twitch Extensions, which can be integrated directly into live video streams to help “grow the unique relationship between creators and their communities.”

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